Meaning Net Tangible Asset Backing
What does Net Tangible Asset Backing mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Net Tangible Asset Backing. You can also add a definition of Net Tangible Asset Backing yourself


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Net Tangible Asset Backing

The net worth of a share, the theoretical value of the net assets attributable to each ordinary share on issue. It is calculated by dividing the estimated value of the company (total assets less liabilities) by the number of shares on issue. A company can have poor earnings per share rate, but still have solid asset backing.


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Net Tangible Asset Backing

The net worth of a share, the theoretical value of the net assets attributable to each ordinary share on issue. It is calculated by dividing the estimated value of the company (total assets less liabilities) by the number of shares on issue. A company can have poor earnings per share rate, but still have solid asset backing.

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